14U Loto


Interleague Rules: 14U


  • In the event of rain, an announcement concerning the scheduled games for that evening will be posted to the website of the host team. Example: If Mount Pearl was playing in Paradise, they would need to refer to Paradise’s website.
  • The playoff format will be posted by mid-August.

Field Dimensions

  • The distance between the bases shall be 70
  • The distance from the point of home plate to the front of the pitching rubber shall be 48

Rules of Play

  • All games shall be played in accordance with regular baseball rules as contained in the Official Rules of Baseball published by Baseball Canada except where modified by the rules detailed in this document and the BNL Manual.
  • Games will start when each team has a minimum of 8 players. If a team cannot field 8 players by the scheduled start time, then the umpire will declare a default.

Duration of Game

Games played in St.John’s:

  • All games in fields with no lights shall be 6 innings and/or 2.5 hours in duration, whichever comes first.

Games Played in Paradise:

  • All games have 2-hour time slots and will need to call the game at the 2-hour mark. The open inning will try to be called at the 1.5-hour mark.

For all games:

  • Home team will be determined by a coin flip.
  • If, after the fifth inning (4 1/2 if the home team is ahead), one team leads by 10 runs or more, that team will be awarded the game. The game may be continued at the discretion of the coaches, but the result will be official after the 10-run rule is registered.
  • The score shall be kept by the coaches and confirmed with the home plate umpire throughout the game.

At Bat

  • All players are in the batting lineup at all times. Players can rotate freely into the field defensively.
  • Players must play a minimum of 2 defensive innings in each game.
  • A maximum of 3 runs may be scored in any one inning, with the exception of the last inning which shall be open. The home plate umpire will inform the two coaches if the last inning comes before the 6th.
  • When a player late arrives during the game, she is inserted in the last spot on the batting order. When a player leaves during the game, she is removed from the batting order. No automatic out is counted.
  • If a player cannot complete her turn at bat, the following batter will replace them with the same count. The replaced player can be reinserted in the game.
  • If a player cannot complete her presence on bases, she is replaced with the last recorded out. The replaced player can be reinserted in the game.


  • Pitchers may only pitch a maximum of 2 innings per game.
  • After 2 innings a pitcher is not allowed to catch; however, a catcher can catch and then pitch 2 innings. Once removed from the mound, a pitcher cannot return even if he/she has not completed 2 innings
  • There will be no balks; the umpire will give instructions to the pitcher if she does commit a balk.


  • 9 defensive players are permitted on the field
  • Players shall run on and off the field. We urge each coach to instill this in his/her players. It benefits everyone.
  • All players must maintain normal baseball positions. Shifts will be allowed.

Game Play Rules

  • Bunting is permitted.
  • The Infield Fly Rule is in effect.
  • If the catcher misses the ball on a third strike, the batter is out.
  • A player may steal 2nd base only in 14U House League and cannot advance past second on any overthrow or pick-off. Player can only advance by means of a batted ball or walk that forces advancement.
  • Lead offs are permitted.
  • Home Plate Collision Avoidance Rule - If a base runner is running to home plate and is halfway or closer to home plate, a force out situation is now created. The catcher, having possession of the ball, may touch home plate and the runner will be called "out" by the umpire. All players should slide on a close play at the plate.
  • All players should slide on a close play at the plate.
  • Runners may tag and advance on a fly ball that is caught at their own risk.

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